Everyone LOVES a good candle, but you’ll love them, even more, when you see just how easy they are to make. This recipe for Maple Donut Candles is SO easy. Just a few ingredients and a couple easy-to-follow steps and you’ll be filling your home with the sweet scents of the season in no time.

Screen Shot 2014-12-01 at 5.35.45 PMMake as many or as few as you’d like. Choose one scent or try a bunch of different ones!
Here’s my recipe for yummy maple donut candles:


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Start by prepping the jar(s). You’ll need to secure the metal disc part of the wick to the bottom of the jar (to prevent it from moving when you pour the wax). I used two on each disc.

Stick the glue dot to the bottom of the disc and then press the disc firmly to the bottom of the jar, in the center. If your finger doesn’t reach the bottom of the jar, use a pen or pencil to press the disc and secure it.

To be sure that the wick stays straight while pouring, fold the long portion of the wick over a wooden skewer (or something similar) and tape the excess to the side of the jar. This will help to keep the wick centralized while the wax cools and hardens.

Screen Shot 2014-12-01 at 5.37.46 PMthe wax in a microwave-safe spouted container. Using a cup or container that has a spout makes pouring the wax easy and precise so that you don’t have a lot of spillages. Heat in the microwave until all the wax flakes are dissolved and you’re left with a smooth liquid.

Carefully pour the melted wax into each jar. Fill the jars about 3/4th of the way full, not all the way to the top. Reserve a small amount of the wax (you’ll need it later).

Scent each candle by adding the fragrance oil. Using a pipette dropper, add a modest amount, assess the scent, and then add more if you?d like. This avoids adding too much early on (you can always add to it, you can’t take away). I like my candles strong so I typically add a lot of fragrance to mine!

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Allow the candles to cool and begin to harden. When you start to see the center part of the candle sinking slightly, poke holes in the wax with the skewer (4 holes will do). Re-melt the remaining wax, add fragrance oil and pour over the holes filling up the jar (but still leaving a little space between the candle and the top of the jar. Allow the candle to harden completely before trimming the wick and using it.

Easy, right?!
This is a great basic recipe for candle making. Use the maple fragrance for a delicious donut scent or choose another fragrance oil to try.
Hint: these easy candles make great holiday gifts! Make a few to have on hand for the holiday season. You’ll be thankful that you did when you have to take a grab bag gift to that holiday party or send your child to school with a little something for his teacher!

Let us know if you try out this recipe or any others from our blog!

Looking for the best candle making supplies? Check out our website for candle wax, molds, wicks, fragrance oils, jars, and more! 

Bulk Apothecary is the best supplier of all things candle making!

Bulk Apothecary makes no claims of “expert status” and the company will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the use of the information found on this website.

As with all products, users should test a small amount prior to normal extended use. If pregnant or suffering from illness, consult a doctor before use.

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