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We all know that February can be tough on any of us, with all these expectations to show someone else that you love them. Well, we want to flip that and make February a month about Self-Love and showing the one person that matters about how important YOU really are. We want to start this series off with some self-care tips and tricks to show yourself a little love.


1) Do something you enjoy that doesn’t involve your phone:

Take it from a girl who has to be on Social Media all the time. It can get taxing to just look at your feed without taking it out on yourself. Read a book, listen to your favorite songs, go on a walk, or make a cup of tea. Find something that will allow your mind to just press pause for awhile and enjoy the finer things in like. It needs time to recharge too.


2) Go have coffee and chats with a friend:

OK, it doesn’t necessarily have to be coffee and chats – just go be with another person and talk. Talk about everything and nothing, vent your frustrations to each other. Talk about hopes and aspirations. One of my favorite things to do is go on a walk with my friends and just start talking about life. This is how I found out my best friend was going through the same issues I was, and this allowed us to set up a game plan to conquer that issue together. Even though you may not be in a romantic relationship, you are still loved and accepted by those around you.


3) As cliche as it sounds, EXERCISE:

There is a reason why professionals recommend exercising for almost every ailment. Exercise activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and less anxious. Added Benefit: You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly. Which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem!


4) Staying positive really does help in your everyday life:

You can achieve this in many ways, something as simple as speaking kindly to yourself or protect your energy. It’s all about accepting yourself and loving who you are. As one of my favorite Author, Jen Sincero, has said in her famous Self Help Book “To shy away from who you truly are would leave the world you-less. You are the only you there is and ever will be. I repeat, you are the only you there is and ever will be. Do not deny the world its one and only chance to bask in your brilliance.” So go out there and shine!


5) Give yourself a good pamper day – TREAT YOURSELF!:

Personally, I love a good Self-Care Sunday! Stay in my pjs all day, cook myself a good meal, do a full on skin care routine, and I will curl up with a good book or podcast. During my pamper session I diffuse a scent that makes me happy and brings good memories to my life (currently loving Sunshine Spice).


We hope this jump starts your month of treating yourself in the best possible way! Don’t forget to add us on Instagram and Facebook to keep up with the most recent news (and a giveaway soon!).

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