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This time of year can wreak havoc on your sinuses. A humidifier vapo-additive is a great way to counteract the damage done to your ears, nose, and throat!

The occasional hot day mixed in with the cold winter weather we’ve been suffering through has done quite a number on our immune systems. If you’re suffering from mucus buildup, or just want to moisten the air around you, I recommend getting a humidifier.


Many newer models of humidifiers have a specific slot on them for various vapor-steam additives. These can run upwards of $8 for a tiny bottle, and it’s quite easy to make your own using essential oils. Plus, you will get a lot more bang for your buck if you make your own. If you look at the ingredient label of those retail steam additives, the only active ingredients are camphor and/or eucalyptus, and at very small percentages at that! Below is a quick and easy recipe for making your own. Adding this to your dehumidifier will help you get a good night’s sleep, and the aromatherapy properties of the oils will have a lot of other benefits.

Humidifier Tip

Before we go any further, we must recommend regular cleaning of your humidifier before re-use. This is important because I know many of us to have our humidifiers stuffed in the closet and only bring it out once in a while when one of our kids are sick in the middle of the night. Mold and mildew can build up over time, so just be sure to clean it out, and use distilled water to ensure the bacteria is kept at a minimum. Just drag that sucker into the kitchen before using it, and fill it up with the Brita-filtered water, and you will be good to go. Plus you will sleep even better knowing you are breathing in the best/most moist air possible with your humidifier.

Humidifier Vapo-Additive Recipe



*Simply fill up your humidifier with distilled water, and mix in 30 drops of Camphor Oil & 30 drops of Eucalyptus Oil. If your unit has a designated slot for vapo-steam additive, you can add it there. Otherwise, simply mix with your distilled water. Plug it in next to your bed and you are good to go! Store the remaining essential oils in a cool/dry place to use next time you need them.

**Be sure to keep pure essential oils out of reach of children AND use with caution. Pure essential oils can be quite strong. If you are sensitive to scents, you may want to add less, and if you want something stronger, you can certainly add more as well.

Let us know if you make this recipe or any others from our blog!

Looking for the best essential oils? Check out our website for the best essential oils and organic essential oils for crafting, soap making, candle making, and more! 

Bulk Apothecary makes no claims of “expert status” and the company will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the use of the information found on this website.

As with all products, users should test a small amount prior to normal extended use. If pregnant or suffering from illness, consult a doctor before use. 

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