

Open Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:30AM - 4:30PM

?That’s right we are giving away some pamper treats for the lucky winner since this month is about Self-Love. So you’re probably wondering how you enter:?

Go to either our Facebook or Instagram and…
1) Comment on this image with how you treat yourself
2) Tag three people to share their story
3) Make sure you follow both our Instagram and Facebook
?We will be announcing the winner on February 21st at noon! Make sure you follow all THREE rules for your chance to win!?

Need some ideas, our staff one how they treat themselves:

Kiersten – It is the simple pleasure for me… a good cup of coffee, snuggle time with my favorite human or my cats, playing some music that puts me in a good mood. Recently I love to cook a good meal and make a fancy cocktail to go with it for myself and my friends, treating yourself doesn’t have to break the bank!

Sara – I enjoying going to an animal shelter and playing with the puppers! 

Brandon – I ignore everyone and binge-watch things in a big fleece blanket when I want to treat myself

Ellie I bathe every night. like doing a ritual bath like they do in japan. Make it nice with music, candles, meditation, crystals, incense, glowing salt lamps, Epsom salts. I like charcoal stuff and DIY bath mixes (I like to play mad scientists and create and mix). Did you know if you take a bar of dove soap and place it in a bowl with some water and let it sit a few days you will get a creamy soap lotion?  And that apple cider vinegar works wonders on detangling and conditioning hair. Also, make a baking soda face mask and finish with whipped coconut oil mixed with soap. I also like to ground myself in the woods and get back with nature….. go green

Melanie – I really enjoy playing some Disney music, maybe sing-along (shhh don’t tell). I also like to watch a Disney movie/youtube while drinking some wine. Baking some cookies is a great stress relief for me as well. When I don’t feel like doing any of that I will take a hot shower and just let the day wash away.

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