Dish Soap Block Kit Melt & Pour Soap Making Kit with everything you need to start making your very own dish soap blocks at home! Dish Soap Blocks at health …

Learning Center for Bulk Apothecary!
Mon - Fri: 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Dish Soap Block Kit Melt & Pour Soap Making Kit with everything you need to start making your very own dish soap blocks at home! Dish Soap Blocks at health …
DIY Shaving Soap Kit for Men We make a lot of recipes for the ladies so now it’s the men’s turn! Whether you’re looking for a good shaving soap yourself, …
DIY Dish Soap Block If you’re on a zero waste, waste free, or lower waste journey, one of the hardest things to give up is dish soap. I love my …
DIY Loofah Soap We love this all-natural, DIY loofah soap that is more hygenic and won’t take years to degrade in a landfill. A biodegradable version of the trusty shower …
Lavender Puppy Shampoo Bar– In my home, the baby runs the show. And by baby, I mean my fur baby. He’s pretty much in charge and we’re okay with that. …