Dish Soap Block Kit Melt & Pour Soap Making Kit with everything you need to start making your very own dish soap blocks at home! Dish Soap Blocks at health …

Dish Soap Block Kit: Instructions

Refreshing Summer Citrus Sugar Scrub
Exfoliating Summer Sugar Scrub I don’t think there’s anything better than a bright, citrus sugar scrub in the summer. When I was younger, the Body Shop had this gorgeous, super …

Sustainability Month-DIY Dishwasher Detergent
DIY Dishwasher Detergent This DIY dishwasher detergent is sustainable, life-changing, cheap, and easy! We love when sustainable alternatives aren’t too difficult and SAVE money. Ingredients – 2 cups Borax – …

Sustainability Month- DIY Toilet Bowl Cleaner
To kick off April as our month of Sustainability, we bring you our first recipe: a DIY Toilet Bowl Cleaner! It works great and smells even better. Plus, it’s one …

75 Amazing Facts about Essential Oils
Essential oils are the outrageously popular way of treating just about every ailment these days. However, not everyone is familiar with everything about these oils. Here are some amazing facts …

Essential Oils for Back to School
It’s back to school time here! Oh my, where did the summer go? The stores are a constant reminder for the kids of the upcoming return to school- the moment …

Spring Beauty Tip: Natural Nail Growth
Hey all! If you’re anything like me you have rough nails that seem to break often – and ouch is that painful. Well, now I have some options for natural …

Get Well Soon: Cold and Congestion Rub
It’s that time again- cold and flu season. No matter how careful we are, at some point, we’re all exposed to some form of it. The throaty cough, the sinus …

New Year, New You: Post-Holiday Cleaning
Planning on doing a little post-holiday cleaning in the near future? Maybe things around the house need a little refreshing after holiday guests and get-togethers. Or, maybe it’s a random …

Essential Oil Spotlight: Lemon Oil
Aside from the heavenly aroma, like the signature scent of summer (so fresh and invigorating!), the lemon essential oil has a pretty impressive resume when it comes to different ways …

Fighting Seasonal Allergies with Essential Oils
You may think those of us at Bulk Apothecary use essential oils for everything, and you’re right. We do. It’s because they provide relief for so many things, naturally. We …

Spring Cleaning: Messier Mess Cleaner
Messier Mess Cleaner– You know the ones we’re talking about. The grimy film on the shower tiles and the muddy paw prints tracked across the floor. Or how about the …

Spring Cleaning: Swiffer Floor Cleaner
DIY Swiffer Floor Cleaner– Most of my home is carpeted, which is an easy clean with the vacuum, but I do have a few areas that have wood and laminate …

Aromatherapy- Essential Oils For Cold or Flu
Essential Oils for Cold or Flu- Today we are going to tell you how to mix some of your essential oils to ensure you don’t spread viruses during the cold/flu …

Recipe: Homemade Toy Cleaner Recipe
DIY Toy Disenfectant– Everyone wants to keep their kids safe and healthy. A lot of those store bought cleaners are filled with chemicals that can be harmful to kids and …

Natural Throat Spray for Sore Throat Recipe
We have an all-natural remedy for that pesky sore throat. If you’re like my hubby, being sick is the end of the world! Anything I can do to ease his …