Everyone LOVES a good candle, but you’ll love them, even more, when you see just how easy they are to make. This recipe for Maple Donut Candles is SO easy. …

It’s Fall Y’all DIY: Maple Donut Candles

It’s Fall Y’all DIY: Apple Walnut Crisp Candle
Apple Walnut Crisp Candle- I’m not sure what it is about fall that sends me into baking mode- but it never fails. Every year when the seasons change I find …

Beeswax Candles
We’ve included some recipes for candle-making in the blog before, but today we want to spotlight the absolute easiest and quickest candle-making recipe we have. This recipe is for the …

12 Days of Gifting: Snowy Evergreen Holiday Candles
Do you love the smell of Christmas trees, but hate the clean up that comes with them. This year I’m determined to have the best of both worlds. So with …

Make Your Own Candles for Under $25!
Make Your Own Candles for Under $25 I must admit, I thought making candles would be easy! I thought it would be a seamless transition from soapmaking but I was …

Coffee Cup Candle Recipe
Coffee Cup Candles You might have seen those adorable candle mugs at the craft fair or online. Some are selling up to $25.00 for a small size mug. Today …

Valentine’s Day Candle Recipe
Making homemade candles can be a fun project and can allow you to customize your candles in ways that you may not find in the stores. For Valentine’s Day, I …