When your body feels out of whack it causes a domino effect of other issues: headaches, fatigue, and overall lack of desire to do anything but soak in a hot …

Recipe: Sore Muscle Bath Soak

Spring Beauty Tips: Hemp & Argan Hair Serum
Let’s Make An Argan Hair Serum! We have a deep kind of love for Argan Oil. It has so many wonderful beauty benefits that it’s hard not to! For hair, …

Cold Relief Vapor Disc
Cold and flu season can take a toll on all of us- even if you’re not the one getting sick! Whether you find yourself run down by the changing whether, …

Aromatherapy- Essential Oils For Cold or Flu
Essential Oils for Cold or Flu- Today we are going to tell you how to mix some of your essential oils to ensure you don’t spread viruses during the cold/flu …

12 Days of Gifting: Citrus Peppermint Salt Scrub
Need a little pick-me-up to get your skin back to being glowing and bright? Here is something that you could whip up at home. For this, I turned to Pinterest, …

Pet Shampoo Scenting and Adding Ingredients
When bathing your pooch, you want to make sure to find a formula that is safe, tear-free, and not too strong of an aroma. The balance is tricky. You want …