Exfoliating Summer Sugar Scrub I don’t think there’s anything better than a bright, citrus sugar scrub in the summer. When I was younger, the Body Shop had this gorgeous, super …

Refreshing Summer Citrus Sugar Scrub
Makeup May- DIY Natural Eyeshadow
Wearing eye shadow changes your whole face for the good or for the bad. We’ve been wanting an excuse to try this one for a while and our Makeup Month …

Avocado Oil Avocado Soaps
Avocado Oil Avocado Soaps Spring is arriving soon and we can’t wait! To celebrate, we decided to make something Spring Green! Check out this recipe to make our Avocado Oil …

The Basics of Oils & Butters
When deciding on a recipe for your batch of soap, you have a TON of choices to make! What method are you going to use? Which scent do you …

Carrier Oils: The Basics
If you’ve tried your hand at at-home beauty treatments such as sugar or salt scrubs, made a facial treatment, or even attempted a batch of homemade soap- you’ve probably come …

Rainkissed Mimosa Body Balm Recipe
Rainkissed Mimosa is the perfect understated fragrance. It’s light, soft and fresh, making it a great match for homemade body balm. Paired with a recipe that will leave your …

Choosing Carrier Oils For Your Skin Type
When making homemade soaps, lotions and topical products, carrier oils are an important component. Aside from the essential oils that you add to the mix, carrier oils boast their own …

Strawberry Milkshake Whipped Soap Recipe
Guys- this recipe is one of my FAVORITES! It’s light and creamy and smells INCREDIBLE. It also looks good enough to eat- which you should not. Whipped soaps are one …