This has to be one of the most beautiful products we have EVER made. Seriously. This Cotton Candy Whipped Sugar Scrub is perfect for summer! Getting that glowy skin for …

Cotton Candy Whipped Sugar Scrub

Made From the Heart: Cedarwood & Hops Shaving Soap
Ladies, this one’s for the boys (I can’t help but hum the song Let’s hear it for the boy while typing this. Haha! I actually contemplated starting this post out …

It’s the Holiday Season: Snowball Soaps
Snowball Soap– So I woke up from a dream of a fresh blanket of beautiful white snow and soon realize that- you’re snowed in- with the kids. Yep- if you …

12 Days of Gifting: Hard Tack Candy Soaps
I’m excited for this next recipe for several reasons: It’s easy (doesn’t that immediately make it a great recipe?!). It’s festive! It’s adorable- and will look oh so cute displayed …

Melt and Pour 101: Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting in Melt and Pour Soap If you have experienced difficulties with melt-and-pour soapmaking, you are not alone. When working with so many variables and different kinds of soap-making supplies, …

Melt and Pour 101: Techniques
Beginner Techniques in Melt and Pour Soap Now that you’ve mastered the basics of melt and pour soapmaking, it’s time to move on to some beginner-friendly techniques. If you missed …

Melt and Pour 101: Additives & Botanicals
Additives & Botanicals in Melt and Pour Soap Thank you for joining us again this Saturday for some melt and pour magic! It’s time to explore the wonderful world of …

Melt and Pour 101: Colorants
Melt and Pour Soap Colorants Last week we discussed choosing a soap base and today I wanted to dive into colorants. Sure, you can make plain white or clear soap, …

Melt and Pour 101: Choosing a Soap Base
Base Breakdown With over 30 melt and pour soap bases to choose from, there is a lot of variety for you to build your soap creations upon. Both SFIC and Stephenson manufacture fantastic soap …

Solid Sugar Scrubs Recipe
It’s almost Valentine’s Day, Bulkers! Do you know what you’re giving to that someone special? How about your friends? Or the kid’s teachers at school? Holidays can sneak up on …

DIY Vegan Shampoo
Lately, I’ve become pretty savvy at reading labels for “all-natural” ingredients. Be it cleaning products, makeup, or beauty essentials- I’ve really tried to steer clear of anything chemical to lead …