Produce Spray Recipe– The benefits of consuming fresh, organically grown produce are wonderful. But I wouldn’t recommend shoveling down a mouthful of grapes while walking through the local grocery store. …

Mon - Fri: 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Learning Center for Bulk Apothecary!
Mon - Fri: 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Produce Spray Recipe– The benefits of consuming fresh, organically grown produce are wonderful. But I wouldn’t recommend shoveling down a mouthful of grapes while walking through the local grocery store. …
DIY Swiffer Floor Cleaner– Most of my home is carpeted, which is an easy clean with the vacuum, but I do have a few areas that have wood and laminate …
Here’s a few easy recipes for some great homemade laundry products. With a few simple ingredients, you can make detergents, fabric softeners, and even linen freshening sprays that will leave …
Oatmeal Honey and Tangerine Scrub Recipe Winter drying out your skin? Let’s get our hands and cuticles in tip top shape. Today I wanted to share my homemade, 30 second …
?That’s right we are giving away some pamper treats for the lucky winner since this month is about Self-Love. So you’re probably wondering how you enter:? Go to either our …
V-Day Rose Essential Oil Soap– Valentine’s Day is coming up, so get prepared for the season of love by creating some homemade soaps! The recipe below can easily be altered, …
We all know that February can be tough on any of us, with all these expectations to show someone else that you love them. Well, we want to flip that …
Essential Oils for Cold or Flu- Today we are going to tell you how to mix some of your essential oils to ensure you don’t spread viruses during the cold/flu …
If you’re anything like me halfway through the day your skin starts to feel drab and dreary. I could always use a pick me up! Facial mists and facial toners …
Sparkling Snow Play Dough– Wouldn’t it be great if you could take the magic of snow inside with you-after your mittens were soaked and you couldn’t feel your fingertips anymore …
DIY Toy Disenfectant– Everyone wants to keep their kids safe and healthy. A lot of those store bought cleaners are filled with chemicals that can be harmful to kids and …
It seems like we always wish we had a different type of hair than we actually have (heard of “the grass is always greener” saying). Well… do you suffer from …
Lately, Bulk Apothecary has been getting quite a bit of inquiries about Reed Diffusers. These are great alternatives to chemically-based air fresheners and can be custom made to your aroma …
Whatever your experience may be, in these cold months we’re all looking for a solution to ease the discomfort of dry skin and return it to its soft, silky form. …
We’ve included some recipes for candle-making in the blog before, but today we want to spotlight the absolute easiest and quickest candle-making recipe we have. This recipe is for the …
After all of the holiday hustle and bustle, chances are you’re in need of a little relaxation. Some “me” time. But in most cases, carving out enough “me” time to …