V-Day Rose Essential Oil Soap– Valentine’s Day is coming up, so get prepared for the season of love by creating some homemade soaps! The recipe below can easily be altered, …

Self-Lover Series: V-Day Rose Essential Oil Soaps

Recipe: Invigorating Facial Mist
If you’re anything like me halfway through the day your skin starts to feel drab and dreary. I could always use a pick me up! Facial mists and facial toners …

Recipe: Sparkling Snow Play Dough
Sparkling Snow Play Dough– Wouldn’t it be great if you could take the magic of snow inside with you-after your mittens were soaked and you couldn’t feel your fingertips anymore …

Recipe: Homemade Toy Cleaner Recipe
DIY Toy Disenfectant– Everyone wants to keep their kids safe and healthy. A lot of those store bought cleaners are filled with chemicals that can be harmful to kids and …

Recipe: Argan Oil Hair Spritzer for Curly Hair
It seems like we always wish we had a different type of hair than we actually have (heard of “the grass is always greener” saying). Well… do you suffer from …

Recipe: Reed Diffusers
Lately, Bulk Apothecary has been getting quite a bit of inquiries about Reed Diffusers. These are great alternatives to chemically-based air fresheners and can be custom made to your aroma …

Thick and Creamy Body Butter Recipe
Whatever your experience may be, in these cold months we’re all looking for a solution to ease the discomfort of dry skin and return it to its soft, silky form. …

Beeswax Candles
We’ve included some recipes for candle-making in the blog before, but today we want to spotlight the absolute easiest and quickest candle-making recipe we have. This recipe is for the …

Lavender Rose Tub Tea
After all of the holiday hustle and bustle, chances are you’re in need of a little relaxation. Some “me” time. But in most cases, carving out enough “me” time to …

Shea Butter Hand Cream Recipe
They say that the hands are the first to age. For those of us getting older, it’s clear to see the wrinkles appearing every time we look down. To help …

Natural Throat Spray for Sore Throat Recipe
We have an all-natural remedy for that pesky sore throat. If you’re like my hubby, being sick is the end of the world! Anything I can do to ease his …

Witch Hazel Cold and Flu Remedy
It’s cold and flu season, and we all know someone suffering from the symptoms. This week we will try to provide natural remedies to help alleviate your symptoms. Many people …

12 Days of Gifting: Orange Clove Lip Balm
Clove and orange have long been a festive holiday combination when it comes to fragrances. Think simmering potpourri on the stove and hot spiced cider- delicious, right? This scent duo …

12 Days of Gifting: Citrus Peppermint Salt Scrub
Need a little pick-me-up to get your skin back to being glowing and bright? Here is something that you could whip up at home. For this, I turned to Pinterest, …

12 Days of Gifting: Snowy Evergreen Holiday Candles
Do you love the smell of Christmas trees, but hate the clean up that comes with them. This year I’m determined to have the best of both worlds. So with …

12 Days of Gifting: Holiday Scrub Round-Up
This time of year I get a little sugar/salt scrub crazy. For good reason! Using a scrub during the winter months is an awesome way to sloughing off dry, dead …