When your body feels out of whack it causes a domino effect of other issues: headaches, fatigue, and overall lack of desire to do anything but soak in a hot …

Learning Center for Bulk Apothecary!
Mon - Fri: 8:30AM - 4:30PM
When your body feels out of whack it causes a domino effect of other issues: headaches, fatigue, and overall lack of desire to do anything but soak in a hot …
Why essential oil blends? Aromas have incredible-super powers when it comes to the human brain. They can be intoxicating, relaxing, energizing, and mood enhancing (just to name a few). Each …
It’s back to school time here! Oh my, where did the summer go? The stores are a constant reminder for the kids of the upcoming return to school- the moment …
Hey Bulkers! Today we’ve got a peppermint calendula soap recipe that’s sure to ‘WOW’! It’s simple to make but looks impressive with delicate calendula petals scattered over the top as …
Healing Properties Peppermint oil is considered one of the most useful and beneficial oils to have on hand. It can help with a wide variety of ailments. Doctors often prescribe …
Lavender Puppy Shampoo Bar– In my home, the baby runs the show. And by baby, I mean my fur baby. He’s pretty much in charge and we’re okay with that. …
Summer Anti-Itch Cream- Forgot the bug spray on your hike and got EATEN ALIVE by mosquitoes? Spent too much time in the garden and have some minor skin irritation from …
Essential Oils for Headache Relief– Headaches are awful. We’ve all had them (if you say you haven’t, I don’t believe you). Whether you suffer from short term tension headaches when …
You may think those of us at Bulk Apothecary use essential oils for everything, and you’re right. We do. It’s because they provide relief for so many things, naturally. We …
In case you haven’t noticed, around here we LOVE essential oils and DIY products. What’s not to love? It’s a great feeling knowing EXACTLY what’s in the products we use …
V-Day Rose Essential Oil Soap– Valentine’s Day is coming up, so get prepared for the season of love by creating some homemade soaps! The recipe below can easily be altered, …
Sparkling Snow Play Dough– Wouldn’t it be great if you could take the magic of snow inside with you-after your mittens were soaked and you couldn’t feel your fingertips anymore …
They say that the hands are the first to age. For those of us getting older, it’s clear to see the wrinkles appearing every time we look down. To help …
We have an all-natural remedy for that pesky sore throat. If you’re like my hubby, being sick is the end of the world! Anything I can do to ease his …
Need a little pick-me-up to get your skin back to being glowing and bright? Here is something that you could whip up at home. For this, I turned to Pinterest, …
These shower cubes are all the rage this holiday season and they make an EXCELLENT gift. It’s pretty easy to make your own, AND you can customize with seasonal flavorings …