If you’re making an effort to transform your home into a more eco-friendly, chemical-free zone, consider replacing your dryer sheets with a few reusable ones! Manufactured dryer sheets are full …

Mon - Fri: 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Learning Center for Bulk Apothecary!
Mon - Fri: 8:30AM - 4:30PM
If you’re making an effort to transform your home into a more eco-friendly, chemical-free zone, consider replacing your dryer sheets with a few reusable ones! Manufactured dryer sheets are full …
When deciding on a recipe for your batch of soap, you have a TON of choices to make! What method are you going to use? Which scent do you …
Ohhh Pumpkin Spice, how we love you! The moment that latte pops up on the Starbucks menu you KNOW it’s fall! Pumpkin drinks, pumpkin baked goods, pumpkin décor, pumpkin fragrance, …
When your body feels out of whack it causes a domino effect of other issues: headaches, fatigue, and overall lack of desire to do anything but soak in a hot …
In preparation for the winter months, let’s make sure we keep that skin hydrated and refreshed! These aftershave recipes are exactly what you need. Ingredients: 1/8 cup of Rum (use white …
Why are we making all natural tick spray? Warmer weather means more time outdoors- not only for us, but for our furry family members as well! Prevention is key when …
Essential oils are the outrageously popular way of treating just about every ailment these days. However, not everyone is familiar with everything about these oils. Here are some amazing facts …
Why essential oil blends? Aromas have incredible-super powers when it comes to the human brain. They can be intoxicating, relaxing, energizing, and mood enhancing (just to name a few). Each …
If you’ve tried your hand at at-home beauty treatments such as sugar or salt scrubs, made a facial treatment, or even attempted a batch of homemade soap- you’ve probably come …
Hey, hey! Here’s another easy fall candle recipe to add to your collection! Apples and cinnamon are the perfect combination for a seasonal home fragrance, don’t you think? Just by …
With school comes fall sports. Football, soccer, cross country and more are all back. With the return of practice comes the return of sore legs, knees and calves. Thsis Sore …
Bathing does have a multitude of health related benefits. That’s the main reason why it’s important. Sure, smelling nice is great, but it does more for the body than just …
It’s back to school time here! Oh my, where did the summer go? The stores are a constant reminder for the kids of the upcoming return to school- the moment …
Sweets rule the summer, as parents try out their richest recipes during a time when they don’t have to wake their kids up for school. If you want your guests …
This Cupcake Candle DIY is sure to be a HUGE hit with the kids! They are absolutely adorable and look so scrumptious you may be tempted to take a bite …
Summer nights are perfect for sweets. Today’s sweet-tooth-inducing recipe is for a Banana Bread Candle. There’s no need to spend $20 on a store-bought version when you can make your …